Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 30: Can't go back.

Continuing to give the Holy Spirit room, I'm only going to tell you your chapters and pray for you today.

-Read Proverbs chapter 30 and Psalm chapters 141-145-


Everyday in writing this study, you have overwhelmed me. It overwhelms me that you don't hide from us or keep us in the dark. You reveal yourself to us, you let us in on your plans. You include us and use us even when you don't have to. Thank you for including me. Thank you for including those you have 'chosen' to do this study. Thank you for divine timing. If nothing else, I trust your timing. We are honored and privileged that you invite us into a relationship with you. And I'm very sorry that for 29 years, I neglected you. I took your offer of relationship for granted. Never again. Because once I saw what I was missing out on, once I saw what it could be like, living in true community with you, I could never go back. I may have accepted your gift of salvation as a child, but it was 24 years later that I accepted your gift of experiencing heaven on earth.

I pray for each person reading this, that you gently touch them on the shoulder. I pray that you impress upon their hearts the magnitude of your love for them. That you grow them in you, so intertwined that it is impossible to separate one from the other.  Impossible to separate them from you or you from them.

Thank you for loving us. We love you, and desire to honor you in all that we say and do today.


1 comment:

Steen said...

I absolutely loved a prayer that was in today's reading! Proverbs 30:7-9 "And then he prayed, 'God, I'm asking for two things before I die; don't refuse me- Banish lies from my lips and liars from my presence. Give me enough food to live on, neither too much nor too little. If I'm too full, I might get independent, saying 'God? Who needs him?' If I'm poor, I might steal and dishonor the name of my God.'" (The Message)

I love how the person praying asked for just enough so as not to forget that God is providing and yet not be tempted to steal or take matters in his own hands.