Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 4: The cost of Freedom

Today we are reading Proverbs chapter 4 and Psalm chapters 16-20. Before beginning, ask God to open your eyes and ears to the scriptures we are reading today, ask him to give you fresh perpective and application from his word.

-Read Scriptures-

On the heals of yesterday's study, we are continuing today with our nature to rebel and the importance of fighting that human urge. Our parents teach us everything from how to tie our shoes, to our moral foundation. They have the responsibility to put us on the right path, the path of wisdom. Why is it in our nature to rebel against them?

Proverbs chapter 4 approaches us as a parent would approach their hard-headed child, with wisdom and a warning. I personally feel that every teenager should be required to read and memorize chapter 4 when they turn 13! I think if kids (and adults alike), took these scriptures to heart, it would be instrumental in avoiding much regret and heartache.

Just like our parents do their best to, God actually gives us the opportunity for the most amazing life full of joy and contentment. an inheritance beyond anything we can fathom.

"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. " Psalm 16:5-6  (TNIV)

The problem is that it requires submission to receive this inheritance, and submission is NOT popular in our society. Adolescents and adults alike rebel against God's authority under the banners of progressivism, liberalism, science, and freedom. (All of these things are good, but many use them as reasons NOT to submit to God's authority.) The truth is, the ONLY freedom that is actually FREE is that given by God. The world's freedom costs; it costs money, morals, and lives. True freedom, freedom from all confines of this world, comes from submitting and living under God's authority.

Freedom to live out our inheritance. Freedom to live free of worry and fear; pain and oppression, unattainable standards and measures of success. Freedom to know that when we fail, we are NOT a failure. Freedom from this world's definition of us.

I will do whatever it takes to obtain THAT freedom, THAT inheritance. Especially if all it takes is starting each an every day with my face on the floor in submission to my God and his desire for me.

What about you? Do you crave that freedom? Do you already have it and need to help others around you to find it? Ask God what he has in mind for you today...


Steen said...

"Day and night I'll stick with GOD, I've got a good thing going and I'm not letting go." Psalm 16:8 MSG


Unknown said...

Really enjoyed the study today! These are so encouraging as I am starting a new beginning! :)