Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 12: Dependable Love.

Today we are reading Proverbs 12 and Psalm chapters 56-60. Before starting, ask God to join you for your study time. Ask him to be present with you while you read his word today.

-Read Scriptures-

I personally feel like one of the greatest gifts we can give God is our submission. We have talked about this concept before, and yesterday we discussed being broken before God, but you don't have to be broken to submit yourself and all you have to him.

Submission is a bit of a dirty word in today's culture (going back to the authority issue.) But for me, submission is an attitude of admission. Admitting God is sovereign. Admitting God is and has all power. Admission that all we have, is his to do with what he pleases. That God is the only one that can save us, protect us, and give us true victory in this life! Not our spouse, our children, or job can give us fulfillment. God alone.

Submission is an attitude of dependence:

"When struck by fear, I let go, depending securely upon you alone. In God-whose word I praise- in God I place my trust. I shall not let fear come in, for what can measly men do to me?" Psalm 56:3-4 The Voice

"For you've been a safe place for me, a good place to hide. Strong God, I'm watching you do it, I can always count on you- God, my dependable love." Psalm 59:16-17 The Message

Submitting to God is also about accepting his will/direction for your life. The road may be different or more difficult than you thought, but acknowledging his sovereignty over your circumstances. Understanding that he sees the whole picture, that he knows what we need, even when we don't. And that when we find ourselves in need, we look up. When we lack a necessity, when we find ourselves in trouble or dispair, we look to our heavenly father before we look to our right or left.

The acknowledgement of dependence is an act of submission. Declaring your dependence and reliance on God is essential. It molds our attitude and posture towards God. It keeps us humble and open handed. And it also makes sense that if everything we have comes from God, then only God can give us victory.

"Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless. With God we will gain the victory..." Psalm 60:11-12 TNIV

To help with practicing an attitude and posture of submission, I want you to find a physical postion you can take when you want to express to God your admission of dependence and admitting his sovereignty over all situations. Find a position and rest there, telling God what you need to. This is also an incredible tool for worshiping. Being in a physical position has a definite impact on our mind and heart.

Abba, give us undivided hearts, clear minds, and peaceful attitudes. Give us the things we need to truly live in submission to you. Allow us to live in such a manner that our service and submission to you shines and directs those around us to you. Let us depend on you alone, not on fellow man. We can always depend on you, you are always there, you are indeed our dependable love. We submit ourselves and all we have to you today.


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