Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 13: Keeping up with the Jones

Today we are reading Proverbs 13 and Psalm chapters 61-65. Ask God to open your heart and mind today to receive his truths!

-Read Scripture-

The idea of appearances, image, and reputation play a huge role in our society. We dress, make purchases, and drive cars to impress those around us. We want people around us to think we have it all together. Most people spend finances way beyond their means to "keep up with the Jones". (Must be other Jones! ;) If you look past the car they drive, house they live in, and clothes they wear, their bank account is empty. Even worse, their hearts and minds are full of stress, frustration, and depression.

God invites us into another different life, one without the stress and anxiety that comes with living beyond your means. One of peace and contentment, free of trying to impress your friends, family, or neighbors.

I believe the first thing we need to realize to fully embrace this free way of living is realizing this: That this life, our lives on this Earth is not our finale. It's only Act 1. Everything of this earth is not real, not permanent. It doesn't carry on with us. Psalm 63:9 says, "Human beings disappear like a breath; even people of rank live artificial lives. Their weight is that of a breath in a balance-nothing. Added together, they're still lighter than air." The Voice

I love that this verse says, "even people with rank live artificial lives." Even the people we think have it all, movie stars, sports heros, and politicians live artificial lives. Not lasting, and perhaps, not real.

Secondly, we must let go of appearances. Its funny, we know they mean nothing anyway, we know that things are never what they seem. But we still strive to maintain them! We need to let them go, and only focus on what our heavenly father thinks of us and our lives, not our friends and neighbors. Don't look to the right or left, only up. Two of my favorite verses are:

"A pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life." Proverbs 13:7 The Message

"Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant than pretend to be somebody and have no food." Proverbs 12: 9 TNIV

Plain and simple.

Plain and simple, huh. I really really like the sound of that. Talk about going against the grain of culture. One of my favorite books is "The Irresistible Revolution" by Shane Claiborne. I highly recommend this read. It a book about how a young man from Philadelphia who came to this same conclusion. If you want to learn more about him and The Simple Way, his organization, go to

After realizing that the tangible "treasures" of this world won't last and that they don't matter, it is time to focus on the treasures that WILL last, the things we do for eternity. Our service for others, helping others grow in their relationship with Christ, spreading love to the unlovable, giving of our time and resources to support those people doing these things. Being Christ's hands and his feet to his fellow followers and those he is pursuing!

My challenge for us today and for the rest of this month. Let us let go of the desire to impress those around us. Let's choose to serve God with our willingness to give, rather than our friend who just bought a new car. May culture and the world around look at us like we are crazy because of our reckless pursuit of all things ETERNAL!

Abba, give us eternity goggles! Let us see everything through that lens. Today, that is my only prayer for us. Amen!

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