Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 3: The Dark Side

Today we are reading Proverbs chapter 3 and Psalm chapters 11-15. Before reading, clear your mind of all distractions and allow yourself to truly focus on what you are reading. Giving God all of our attention is the best gift we can give. :)

 -Read Scriptures-

No one likes to be disciplined or corrected. We like to be right, and don't like it when we are proved wrong. Why is this? We like to think ourselves capable, independent, and able to provide for ourselves and those around us. We want to make it on our own, proving to those around us that we can succeed in this life.

It is counter-intuitive, but the bible tells us to, "Place your trust in the Eternal; rely on Him completely; never depend upon your own ideas and inventions." Proverbs 3:5 (The Voice) And let me tell you the truth, from my own experience, God's ideas and plans are far superior to ours. They are more grand, more creative, and have more impact than we can even comprehend.

Relying on ourselves can be, not only ineffective, but dangerous. When you ignore God and trust only in yourself, then you begin to give yourselves the credit when something works or is successful. You feel you've earned it. You feel entitled, and entitlement can lead to a very dangerous path. It can lead to an abundance of pride, anger, bitterness, hate, and greed. You earned that promotion but didn't get it. Anger and pride. The person who got it didn't deserve it. Bitterness and resentment which eventually turns to hate. You get the picture. Even Hollywood gets this right, remember Star Wars and the path to the dark side, "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering..."

When you forget that it is God that provides, it's a slippery slope to a dark place. People don't become foolish or wicked overnight, it is a gradual hardening of one's heart. What do you do if you find yourself in this dark place?

"My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in." Proverbs 3:11-12 (TNIV) 

God loves you enough to intervene when you are heading down a dark road. Don't resent it or fight it. If you saw a child heading toward the street, you'd run after them and scold them for running towards danger. Yes you scolded them, but you did it to teach them the importance and gravity of the situation. God is constantly saving us from the multitude of worldly dangers.

Sometimes God's discipline and correction is simply Him shielding us from hurt or pain. We don't always see the future results of our decisions, (no matter how seemingly insignificant), but he always does. And many times, he steps in to prevent trouble. Don't look at His rebuke or discipline as a failure or punishment. In reality, he could be saving you from suffering, or course correcting you to somewhere better!

I want to leave you to meditate on one of my absolute favorite verses, "God's business is putting things right, he loves getting the lines straight, setting us straight. Once we're standing tall, we can look him straight in the eye." Psalm 11:7 (The Message)

Today, and anytime in the future you find yourself in a dark place, I want you to picture God coming down, picking you up off the floor and standing you in front of him, so you're looking him in the eye. Face to face. No shame, just an overwhelming sense that he loves and is proud of you. Picture and meditate on this for a few minutes, and the weight of it's meaning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had to bookmark the blog to keep me from the giant distractor of Facebook. Praying that we who started strong during the holiday weekend will continue to persevere towards sound judgement and discernment into and through the work week -- speaking truth, avoiding slander and Keeping our oaths.