Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 21: Open Hands

Today we are reading Proverbs chapter 21 and Psalm chapters 101-105. Ask God to show himself during your time together today.

-Read Scripture-

According to the all-knowing internet, to be generous means, "showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected." Which is a good definition. I personally like my definition better, "to live with open hands." Not holding onto my stuff, talents, or time.

If you put an object in your hand, let's say a coffee mug, and set it on your open palm, how likely is it that it can be taken from you? Very likely. Now tighten your grip around the handle. It's not going anywhere easily is it? When we grip things and hold onto them tightly, it is more difficult for God to pry it out of our hands to use it. (Obviously not too hard, but I don't think you want God jerking things out of your grip!)

It's an attitude of stewardship, we've already discussed it briefly before. All I have is God's, so my hands should be open for him to use whatever he needs to, to accomplish his goals. Also, if we want to be entrusted with much, we must not be frivolous with what he gives us.

"Those who live to party, who pursue pleasure, will end up penniless; those who enjoy lots of wine and rich food will never have money." Proverbs 21:17 The Voice

If you live spending all your energy and resources on yourself and a good time, God is not going to entrust you with more. God looks for stewards who uses His resources to complete His tasks, His desires, and His agenda, not our own.

God is very clear; "Whoever shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, will also cry himself and not be heard." Proverbs 21:13 NKJ Now that is a scary promise. But we can not close our ears to cries of those less fortunate and down trodden. This is a very subtle problem in our society, but a huge one none the less. Not only do we not hear their cries, but we justify ourselves for not listening. Especially in this country. In this culture, we struggle with entitlement. We have worked hard for what we have and it's ours. We have sacrificed, worked long hours, attended a good school, and earned what we have by our blood, sweat, and tears. The problem with this mindset is that it feeds our close fisted nature. Holding onto things because we earned it. And that is very dangerous as it leads to judging others who "haven't worked as hard."

That may or may not be true, and that's fine for the secular world. But as Christ-followers we are called to live open-handed, not earning things but giving things. We should understand that ALL we have comes from our heavenly father and all we have, is his to do with what he pleases. One of my favorite verses is:

"Sinners are always wanting what they don't have; the God-loyal are always giving what they do have." Proverbs 21:26 The Message

It's not about having a lot, it's about doing the most with what you have! Your neighbor's vacuum broke, they can't get a new one. You may not be able to buy them one, but you can let them borrow yours! It's not about giving money, it's about using the things he's blessed you with. It's about stewardship and living open-handed, and keeping and ear out for those around us that may need our help.

Keep your ears open, don't be frivolous with what we have and be willing to give or share what you do.

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